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Jewelry could be used to express more about ourselves than just our marital status and wealth. It could be a way to tell what we value, what we hold dear and what we are like.

Behind every piece of jewelry lies meaning. The collections are based on themes and contemplations which have been translated into shapes and forms, so that the pieces are more than just precious metal and unique shapes; the’yre also about the values we want to express and the stories we want to tell.

When you wear the jewelry, the jewelry is about you.

Foreign Objects

Memento from a place you’ve never been

The connection between two things takes the most precise form in the hazy space between them. The jewelry in the Foreign Objects series explores the longing for belonging and the feeling of not belonging.

The feeling of not belonging unites those who experience it. Not belonging therefore produces a feeling of belonging and unity for those who have lacked it.

In the series, the sense of belonging has been interpreted as shapes that simultaneously hover over the border between the familiar and the recognizable, and foreign and the unrecognizable. A place you haven’t been to is a place where the outsiders come together. The piece of jewelry is a memory of this place.


Metaphor for masculinity

Brutalism, the architectural style born in the 1950’s which derived its name from the word Béton brut, meaning raw, unfinished cast architectural concrete, is known for the buildings constructed from geometrical shapes, unfinished surfaces and lack of decorations and ornaments.

Brutalism is often interpreted as aggressive and hostile, perhaps because of its resemblance to military bunkers and such. It might then come as a surprise that the style is actually based on humane values such as accessibility, community and honesty.

In the Brut collection, this contradiction between the appearence and the actual ideals serves as a metaphor for the kind of masculinity I’d want to see more of: behind a rough and even scary facade lies friendliness, helpfulness and honesty.